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17 Jan 2013

Automated Social Media

So much to do, not enough time. More and more evidence is showing up to prove that to rank well in the search engines, you need a strong social media presence. Yet this can be incredibly time consuming! Here is a methodology, enhanced by a couple of tools, to streamline and automate the content creation and sharing strategy.

1. Spend 1 hour a week researching what’s happening in your industry. Visit major news sites, Google news, industry blogs to put your finger on the pulse for the week.

2. Write at least 10 blurb posts for each of the main social media sites – Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus. These can include links from your blog, cool photos, links to articles and interesting blog posts, studies, etc.

3. Download TweetDeck and connect it with your Facebook and Twitter accounts.

4. Add in all of the content you pre-wrote for the week, and schedule to drip post over the following 7 days.

5. Create an account with TwitterFeed. Set up your Facebook and Twitter accounts with Twitterfeed. Then add in your blog RSS feed so it will automatically pick up your blog content.

6. As of now Google Plus does not have any free auto-post tools so you do have to share those manually every day or two.

7. Try to monitor the campaigns daily so you can interact with your followers and jump in on the conversations.

Voila! You can now minimize the time spent to share the content necessary to establish your site in the social media space. This will free up more time for you to network and socialize to create more connections and build your follower base.

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Search engine marketing expert with 15 years of experience in the industry, working with small mom and pop shops as well as large corporate websites. I have experience with all aspects of inbound marketing, including SEO, Link Building, Social Shares, Usability, Conversions, PPC, Email Marketing, and more.