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15 Apr 2014

How To Use Google Plus

When asked about Google Plus, most people believe that it’s a ghost town.  Many will agree that they can see the potential benefit due to the integration of Plus with Google Search.  But between writing blog content, engaging on Facebook, sharing content on Twitter, and pinning images on Pinterest..who has time for Plus?

This was exactly the question we asked social media marketing expert Jesse Wojdylo.   With years of personal experience, Jesse shares his advice for the most productive way to balance your time on Google Plus – even if that is only an hour (or less) a day.

In this short Hangout, Jesse shares some exclusive tips for getting the most out of Plus, in an hour a day.  Using these strategies, your hour a day on Plus will effectively transform your page and set you above the rest of your competition.

Video Source: Communicate Google Plus

how to use google plus

Here’s the breakdown:

  • 15 minutes – Interact with engagers: As you spend time on plus, identify the people who plus one, comment, or share your content.  Put them in a circle so you can track THEIR shared content, and spend some time every day liking, commenting, and sharing their content.  This will in turn encourage them to return to your page to do the same for you.
  • 15 minutes – Interact with influencers: These are the high-powered plus users with lots of shares, followers, and profile views.  It may require a lot of small actions or them to notice you.  Add them all to a circle, spend time on their content on a daily basis, and plus one, comment, and share their posts so you can get on their radar.  Eventually you can get to know them and develop a direct relationship.
  • 15 minutes – Post in Communities: Visit popular, active communities and post content.  Don’t just share your own content or curate articles.  Spend some time connecting with others, answering questions, and interacting with other active community members.
  • 15 minutes – Share Trending Content: If all you’re doing is sharing blog content, your progress will be slow.  Go to the “Explore” tab, and then spend time on the “What’s Hot” tab and trending hashtags.  Reshare some of the content found, including funny gifs and beautiful images.  Add the people that appear in What’s Hot into a circle that you can later use as part of your curation strategy.

If you spend an hour a day following this strategy, you WILL see your profile grow.  Your followers, profile views, and engagement will increase until you establish yourself as an industry authority.

Want to know more? Don’t hesitate to ask any questions in the comments below.

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Search engine marketing expert with 15 years of experience in the industry, working with small mom and pop shops as well as large corporate websites. I have experience with all aspects of inbound marketing, including SEO, Link Building, Social Shares, Usability, Conversions, PPC, Email Marketing, and more.