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18 Jan 2014

Using Pinterest For Business

Pinterest is the shy genius sitting in the back of the classroom during high school being overpowered by the “popular kids” taking center stage.

In this case, the popular crowd consists of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google Plus.

What most people may not realize, however, is the quiet power that Pinterest possesses. Pinterest is unlike any other social media platform, in that there is no social aspect. This may seem like a downfall but the creators were actually very smart in making this the case.

Without the social factor, Pinterest is able to contribute a whole new set of skills that can benefit businesses in ways we may have never thought.

There are seven key aspects of Pinterest that make it unique and innovative, and therefore, in the running for one of the greatest social media platforms to currently exist.

So, what exactly makes Pinterest so influential?

  1. No Social

As mentioned briefly, Pinterest has no social aspect involved. There are no groups, no status updates, no communities. Instead the focus revolves around each individual’s interests. People follow other users and boards in which they find appealing content. This allows businesses to attract users for a much different reason, contributing to the success of its commercial intent.

  1. Connected Social Accounts

With that said, Pinterest builds on interests rather than relationships. The more social accounts your company connects to their Pinterest, the smarter it gets. It is then that Pinterest is able to attract users through their interests, resulting in the increase of sales. Additionally, Pinterest uses reputation signals as a part of its search algorithm and is publicly indexed by search engines.

  1. Perfect for Building Wish Lists

Building upon that, studies have shown that people ultimately buy most of the things they pin. However, even if they don’t, the more you know about your buyer’s interests, the easier it is to develop products and services that they will buy.

  1. Creates an Interest Graph

With every pin, Pinterest is gathering information to create an interest graph for every user based upon their intent. Pinterest is continuously gathering information with everything you do to better meet your needs and the needs of your consumers.

  1. Content Curation

Pinterest really ups its game through it’s process of curating content. Content curation on Pinterest is targeted and very specific with the use of boards. By organizing all of your interests into categories (or boards), you are creating an easy way for users to find exactly what they want.

  1. Structured Data

By having structured data like this, Pinterest is helping Google build the semantic web at a much faster pace, increasing SEO and the web intelligence that draws in clients.

  1. Targeted Advertising

Lastly, every repin from your company’s boards tells Pinterest, and search engines, which people are interested in each specific topic. In return, when each of these people log into their Google account, chances are they’ll see ads across Google properties and the Google Display Network (GDN) that relate to those topics, thus increasing traffic and sales.

The intelligence behind Pinterest has often gone unnoticed or noted because of their subtly and quiet climb to the top of the social media food chain. But while other companies remain focused on the “popular kids”, you could be surpassing them, almost undetected at first, through the use of Pinterest.

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Search engine marketing expert with 15 years of experience in the industry, working with small mom and pop shops as well as large corporate websites. I have experience with all aspects of inbound marketing, including SEO, Link Building, Social Shares, Usability, Conversions, PPC, Email Marketing, and more.