Social Networks And SEO
Social SEO is a full time job. Large businesses have the budget to pay for a social media manager, and can utilize their work force to produce content and monitor their social campaigns. What about small businesses? What about local businesses, or mom and pop shops where the owners wear multiple hats? Is it possible to run a social media campaign on a budget? Or to incorporate social media into your daily routine for an hour a day?
Social media is scalable. You can do a little bit of it or a lot of it. The key is that you have to DO IT. Not having an active social presence in today’s market is like not having a website. It’s no longer optional if you want to appear professional and compete in your industry.
So, if you only have 1 hour a day for your social marketing efforts, how can you maximize your time?
- Set up Wunderlist in your Chrome Browser. It’s essential to keep an eye on the clock so you can keep moving.
- Create an account with Wunderlist. Add to your task list what you plan to accomplish that day.
- Create an account with BufferApp and connect it to your main Social Media Channels.
Social Media in 1 hour a Day
- Content Curation: 15 min’s. Read industry news. Buffer interesting articles so they get distributed to your social channels.
- Facebook: 10 min’s. Comment on 3 posts. Engage 1 person. Add 3 friends. Post 1 personal status update.
- Twitter: 10 min’s. Retweet 3 posts. Direct message 1 person. Follow 10 people. Post 1 personal status update.
- Google+: 15 min’s. Comment on 2 posts. Add 10 people to your circles. Engage 1 person. Post 1 personal status update.
- LinkedIn: 10 min’s. Answer 1 question. Participate in 1 group discussion. Add 5 people to your circles. Engage with 1 person directly.
At the end of your 60 minutes, you will have connected with a few of your followers, shared industry news and some personalized news, grown your circles, friends and followers, and made an appearance in all of your primary social channels.
There is so much more you can do with social media. You can run advertising campaigns, run contests on Pinterest, become an expert answering questions on Quora, share content on a myriad of other channels. For small businesses, the opportunities can seem overwhelming. They key is to focus on getting your presence started. As you see return on investment for your social marketing efforts, you can then reinvest in your social media campaign.
If you find yourself with extra time, here are other activities you can participate in:
- Ask questions and answer others on Quora
- While you are browsing the web, Stumble interesting articles
- Pin relevant images with Pinterest
- Writer articles to submit to industry blogs that accept contributors
- Create powerpoint slides to share on SlideShare.net
- Create “How To” videos to share on Youtube and Vimeo
- Comment on industry blogs
Elevate and look at the big picture. It may seem like an hour a day or a few hours a month is simply not enough to move your social media presence forward. However, by starting your campaign you are setting the foundation. As you see results you will want to spend more time as you see the value and power of social media. Eventually, social SEO can bring so much ROI that you will have the time and resources to dedicate to building your campaign.
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