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27 Feb 2013
making money on squidoo

Making Money On Squidoo

Today’s guest post about Squidoo Marketing Strategies  is over at SearchEngineJournal:

The Ultimate Guide for Creating and Promoting Squidoo Lenses that Rank

With careful keyword research and a bit of link promotion, you can get Squidoo lenses ranking quickly in Google.  These lenses can pick up great traffic for long tail keywords to supplement traffic for your head terms.

If you have tips/suggestions for promoting Squidoo lenses, please do share!

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Search engine marketing expert with 15 years of experience in the industry, working with small mom and pop shops as well as large corporate websites. I have experience with all aspects of inbound marketing, including SEO, Link Building, Social Shares, Usability, Conversions, PPC, Email Marketing, and more.