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Tag: Infographic

08 Dec 2014
Be Your Own Boss

Infographic: Do You Have What It Takes To Be Your Own Boss?

With startups popping up left and right, it seems fair to also assume that there must be a respective increase in the number of self-employed entrepreneurs that were acting as their own “bosses”. However, studies in this year have shown that self-employment is actually down 5% from last year, and may decrease further.

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01 Dec 2014

Streaming Loud and Clear: How to Boost Your Youtube Rankings

When comparing the various mediums of online consumption, Youtube videos take very large piece of the pie. Over 3 billion videos are watched every day, and make up a third of all online activity. It therefore comes as no surprise that Youtube is considered the #2 search engine in the world. This makes it an […]

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24 Nov 2014
Mobile Security

Mobile Security Infestation

Like every invention and innovation that makes our lives easier, smartphone apps always come with caveats. Sometimes they cost too much; other times, they exhibit addictive qualities that make it harder to stop using them. But lately, one of the most significant issues facing smartphone users that love a good app, particularly those with Android […]

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12 Nov 2014
Work Habits

Work Habits of the New Millennium

There are over 79 million of them. 27% of them are self-employed. And by 2030, they will make up 50% of the workforce. There are many names for the generation that is about to take over America’s economic, technological, and creative future: Generation Y, Generation Smartphone, the 9/11 Generation. Most commonly, though, we just identify […]

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06 Oct 2014
Holiday Marketing

Merry Marketing: How To Ramp Up Your Strategy For the Holidays

  Ring in the Holidays While most people spend the beginning weeks of October sorting their Halloween costumes, buying candy treats, and pulling out their fall coats, savvy businesses are already solidifying their holiday marketing: they know what’s going to marked down for special promotions, they’ve designed brand new landing pages and email templates, and […]

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