Most Used Social Media Tools
Social Media can be cumbersome and overwhelming, involving a myriad of tasks ranging from adding followers to sharing content to comment on other sites to curating content. Many small businesses simply do not have the manpower to spend 8 hours a day implementing social media strategies. It is essential to know what tools are available to expedite social media tasks.
Timely: Twitter is one of the largest social media platforms in the world, and Twitter alone could consume an 8 hour day. A good presence on Twitter requires you to Tweet, ReTweet, And Comment. Timely is a handy little app that schedules all of this for you and helps to distribute your content sharing throughout the day, so you don’t have to manually post often throughout the day.
OnlyWire: With one simple click of a button you can post your news to hundreds of different sites or have them scheduled to post when you want. You have to set up your passwords and user names but this only has to be done once and then you are set.
HootSuite: Monitor your Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter campaigns, including messages, direct mentions, retweets, etc. It is especially helpful if your business uses Twitter. It can be used along with Timely or in place of Timely. One thing about Hoot Suite is that it keeps up with what keywords are popping up on Twitter and makes you aware of them so you can schedule your Tweets around those as well.
Gist: Gist is a one in all tool that will help you to keep track of all of your automated social media along with your socialnetworking and email all in one place. You can use this with Outlook and with Gmail so you can always keep up with the people you need to stay in contact with.
Google Reader RSS: RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is a simple way to sort through content you want and keep it all in one place. With RSS you can maximize your social media efforts by typing in keywords so you can keep an ear open to what people are saying about your business.
Constant Contact: While not a free service, you can start out with a free email campaign. Constant Contact helps you build and manage lists, build beautiful email templates, track the results of your efforts, and maximize your socialmedia campaign by contacting your customers directly and staying in touch with them.
Selective Tweets: Selective Tweets gives you the opportunity to choose which Facebook followers you want to send your tweets to and which you don’t. This could be useful for those who have followers in different marketing areas and do not want to overwhelm them with tweets that are not relevant.
TweetBleep: Tweet Bleep is another service that does have a monthly fee. However for $20 a month you can monitor keywords onTwitter. This will help to give you an edge on when to post what.
TwitterFeed: TwitterFeed is a cloud based service that allows you to post and share your blog content on severalsocial media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Digg while you are posting your blog. TwitterFeed also comes with Statistics and tracking abilities that will help you with social media marketing.
Utilizing some of the tools above can help you to distribute your content effectively to reach a variety of social media channels. Additionally, you can read and research in one place in order to curate and sahre content. Finally, it can help you manage your circles and followers as well as keep an eye on your industry.
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